Extract from LUX website:
We are very pleased to announce the following curators/producers will be in residence at LUX for the coming year. The residents receive free office space and admin support, access to LUX space, programme and networks as well as mentoring support from LUX staff.
The Care-fuffle Collective
The Care-fuffle Collective is a disabled-led experimental film and art working group built on the belief of access as a collective joy and a gesture of care and solidarity. Through process-based research, experimentation and public programmes, they take and make space for disabled genius and creativity, encouraging its growth within cultural production. With their work they wish for disabled wisdom to be recognised and cherished. To be an inspiration for working towards a liberatory future and a new cultural ecosystem defined by equity and inclusion, care and socio-cultural responsibility.
During the residency, they will engage in exploring the reparative methodologies for the art complex to redress institutional ableism, power asymmetries and epistemic injustice through disability studies and an abolitionist lens. They will be disseminating learning and unlearning in varied experimental forms to collectively unravel the potential of radical access and explore caring, ethical and sustainable frameworks that support and honour disabled people and their brilliance within and outside cultural production. https://www.care-fuffle.com