• Our Activities

Repeated Apparitions

Repeated Apparitions

Image Description: A collage of a face is overlapped several times, out of the front of the face the words ‘Repeated Apparitions’ stream in layers in curved line, as if a slip snake’s tongue. In the top right-hand corner the words ‘The Carefuffle Collective’ are written in a mixture of fonts with a dash of blue.

Art of Captioning

Image Description: White writing on the black background reads: The Art of Captioning: Introduction to Caption-writing and Caption Consultation with Care-Fuffle Collective and Nina Thomas.

Below, in yellow writing, the caption reads: [slow, dreamy music sway, like sad memories passing].

Yellow, Wysing Arts Centre’s logo is positioned in the top left-hand corner, with big capitol letter taking a centre stage.

LUX Desk Residency/ Curator in Residency 22/23

Image Description: Sunset sets behind the trees casting the orange and blue hues onto Waterlow Park and the sky. A pathway stretches to the foreground of the image, revealing the LUX’s building on the right-hand side. It appears quiet and peaceful. Autumn trees stretch majestically behind it, displaying their grandness. The Waterlow Park seems empty with single white truck parked at the end of the pathway.

Documenta 15/ Arts Educator in Residence

Image Description: On the orange background the text ‘June 18 - September 25, documents fifteen, 2022, Kassel’ is written in mixture of fonts and sizes. From the bottom of the page, yellow sketched drawings appear that resemble hands intertwining.

Cinema For All Launch 2024 - Carefuffle Community Cinema

Image Description: A pastel green star with a word ‘Launch’ inside it, takes a centre stage against a mustard yellow background.


Image Description:

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